Friday, November 7, 2008

Good news for Kansas BOE (Part II)

Okay, so with the history of flip-flopping that has taken place on the Kansas Board of Education during the past decade, you would expect to see conservatives cut into the 6-4 majority that the moderate/liberal coalition currently holds.

Well in the words of Lee Corso, "Not so fast." Of the 10 seats on the board, 5 were up for grabs. These seats were held by 2 conservatives and 3 moderate/liberals. Only one of the five incumbents chose to run for re-election. (I can't understand seems like such a rewarding position...)

In districts 2 and 10, pro evolution (moderate) republican candidates won their primaries, resulting in two pro-evolution candidates running in the general election for each seat. Knowing that, the worst that could happen would be a 5-5 split when the election was over. Sue Storm (D) won the district 2 seat, and David Dennis (R) won the district 10 seat.

In district 4, Carolyn Campbell (a pro-evolution democrat) defeated Robert Meissner. Meissner claimed to support the current standards until "scientific consensus" indicated that other theories of origins should be taught. He reiterated this point to me persanally when I had the chance to ask him. I have no doubt that he would have been evolution-friendly. But he was endorsed by the ultra-conservative Kansas Republican Assembly (KRA). Sorry, Mr. Meissner. You can't have your cake and eat it to.

In district 8, Walt Chappell (pro-evolution democrat) defeated Dennis Hedke (creationist republican).

The only incumbent to run for re-election was also the only conservative to win. Kathy Martin (who was famously quoted, in front of international media, as admitting that she hadn't actually read the science standards that they were supposed to be voting on) won another four year term. Her opponent, Christopher Renner, ran a good campaign and had a chance at one point to win. Unfortunately his homosexuality became an issue late in the race when one of Martin's supporters sent a letter to several newspapers in the district. As embarassing as it is for me to admit, that's the kind of thing that wins elections in the heartland of America.

In the intrest of full disclosure, Kathy Martin is one of my least favorite people in the world. She is ignorant, incompetent, and has made a mockery of the Catholic faith that I share with her.

At the end of the day, though, the pro-evolution moderate/liberal coalition added another seat to their majority. Final score: 7-3 in favor of the good guys. Not bad for a red state.

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