Saturday, May 16, 2009

Camelot Climate Index

It was a beautiful afternoon and evening in northeast of those that makes a person happy to live here. Typically, it seems that out of 365 days in a year, 100 are too hot, 100 are too cold, 100 are rainy, and the rest are windy (alot of those hot, cold, or rainy days are also pretty windy). Every now and then, though, you get a really perfect day sandwiched between the rest. And while this morning was chilly and windy, this afternoon and evening were stellar.

This reminded me of something that I read last month. Jan Null (great science name) has published what he calls the "Camelot Climate Index". Basically he's ranked 158 U.S. cities on their average year-round climate, and while it's more "fun with numbers" than hard science, it's still pretty interesting.

The top 4 cities are San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, and Los Angeles, all in California (scoring 88, 87, 86, and 85, respectively). Cities in the top 10 also include Honolulu, Hawaii, Key West, Florida, and Galveston, Texas. The city that earned the distinction as being the worst in terms of climate was Juneau, Alaska, with a score of 52.

So how does our local weather stack up to the best and worst in the nation? Kansas City comes in at number 82 on the list with a score of 65. Topeka did slightly worse, scoring 64 points and landing at number 111 out of 158.

(via blogs)

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